Base Shop Prices
Service Charges:
Price |
Per Man hour
Per Man & Machine Hour
Minimum Charge Per Job
Written Appraisals, Cost Estimates
Clean & Oil Customer Gun: (Consisting of completely stripping gun, cleaning all parts, checking for wear, and making suggestions to customer of services needed to put in A-1 condition)
Gun Sight Work
Does not include the cost of the sight, ammo, targets, etc.
Sight In Customer Gun
Bore Sighting Customer Gun
Pattern Shotgun
Drill And Tap Barrel or Receiver For Sights Dissembled. Per hole.
Drill And Tap Barrel or Receiver For Sights Complete. Per hole.
Cut Dovetail In Barrel
Install Front Sight Ramp:
Screw-on type
Sweat-on type
Install Insert In Pistol Sight
Buildup or Construct Extra High Pistol Front Sight
Install Front or Mid-Rib Bead on Shotgun Drilled. Not include cost of bead.
Install Front or Mid-Rib Bead on Shotgun Not Drilled. Not include cost of bead
Install Receiver Sights (Gun Drilled And Tapped)
Scope Mounting (Includes mounting, checking scope, & zeroing)
General Barrel, Action & Rifle Repair

Test-Fire Customer Gun (Does not include cost of ammo)
Check Headspace
Check Firing Pin Protrusion
Remove Fired Case From Chamber
Hourly Rate
Remove Live Round From Chamber
Hourly Rate
Remove Obstruction From Bore
Hourly Rate
Remove Fouling From Barrel
Hourly Rate
Install Liner in Barrel (Does not include cost of liner)
Cut & Crown Barrel
Install Barrel To Action (Does not include parts, polishing, & bluing)
Blank Barrel
Pre-Threaded and Chambered
With Sights
Weld On Bolt Handle (Does not include cost of handle)
Bend Bolt Handle
Installing Buehler Type Safety (Does not include safety)
Install or Adjust Trigger (Does not include new trigger)
Muzzle Brake
Customer Supplied.
Thread Protector Cap
Thread Barrel for Attachment
Shotgun Repair

Long Forcing Cone (Non-Plated Barrel. Per Barrel)
Resolder Rib (Not Including Bluing or Materials)
Hourly Rate
Resolder Forend Lug (Not Including Bluing)
Hourly Rate
Raise Dent In Barrel (Does Not Include Bluing)
Polish Chamber/Bore
Open/Modify Choke (Non-Plated Bores Only)
Clean, Chase Threads in Barrel For Screw-in Choke
Install Adjustable Choke (Not Including Cost of Choke) Screw in only.
Install Poly Choke (Does Not Include Choke or Bluing)
Adjust Point of Impact
Black Powder Work

Pull Ball
Remove Double Load
Remove Broken Ramrod
Adjust Percussion Hammer
Remove Breech Plug (if possible)
ReHarden Frizzen
ReHarden & Fit Sear or Tumbler
Make or Fit V Springs
Remove Stuck or Rusted Touch Hole Liner
Handgun Repair
Chamfer Revolver Cylinder
Chamfer Revolver Barrel
Revolver Action Job (Does not include replacement parts)
ReBarrel Revolver (Does not include barrel or bluing)
Straighten Bent Frames
Remove/Modify Revolver Hammer Spur
Pistol Action Job (Does not include replacement parts)
Tighten Slide
Fit Barrel To Auto (Does not include cost of new barrel)
Non-Ramp Barrel
Pamped Barrel
Fit/Install Barrel Bushing (Does not Include cost of bushing)
Bevel Magazine Well
Open & Modify Eject Port
Throat, Polish Barrel, & Feed Ramp
Fit New Trigger (Does not include cost of trigger)
Fit Custom Hammer (Does not include cost of hammer)
Install Grip Safety (Does not include cost of safety)
Install Ambidextrous Safety (Does not include cost of safety)
Install Compensator (Does not include cost of compensator)
Install Pistol Sights
$40.00 - $140.00
Stock Work
Wood Finishing:
Hunter Finish: Unfilled oil or lacquer finish on average stock
Hunter Finish: Same Finish but on a complicated stock
Gunsmith Finish: Filled, rubbed oil finish on average stock
Gunsmith Finish: Same finish but on complicated stock
Gunsmith Finish: Lacquer or Polyurethane
Glass Bedding Barrel & Action:
Recoil Lug Only
Hunting Rifle Recoil lug only and float barrel
Match Rifle (Garand, M1A, etc.)
Install Recoil Pad (Does not include cost of pad)
Install Sling Swivels (Doe Not include cost of swivels)
Install Stock Cross Bolt (Doe not include cost of bolt)
Install Recoil Reducer (Doe not include cost of reducer)
Fit, Bed and Install Fiberglass Stock
Install Aluminum Rail in Synthetic Stock. Plus materials
Hourly Rate
Gun Restoration
Will no longer do any work on Doubles.
Restoration of Modern Guns (Does not include new parts):
Bolt Action Rifle or Shotgun
Pump or Auto Rifle or Shotgun
Restoration of Antique Guns:
Rifle, other than Flintlock or Percussion
Rifle, Flintlock or Percussion
Shotgun, other than Flintlock or Percussion
Shotgun, flintlock or Percussion
Handgun, other than Flintlock or Percussion
Handgun, Flintlock or Percussion
Handgun, Percussion Revolver
Metal Finishing
"Pricing does not include disassembling, cleaning, or reassembling" $75.00
Hot Bluing:
Abrasive Matte Finish
Hunter Finish - Brush Finish
Standard Bluing:
Handgun, pollished
Rifle/Shotgun, polished
Master Finish: High Polish
Hourly Rate
Epoxy Finish
Cammo Epoxy Finish
Bead Blast or Wire Brush Stainless Steel
Engine-Turning Bolt
Engine-Turning Small Parts
Hourly Rate